Systemic Design
Strategic Consulting

Leonor Graça Moura

Hi there!I'm a Design Thinking consultant, aspiring Systems Thinker, User Researcher, Writer, and Artist inspired by complexity in its multiple forms.In recent years I have worked for The European Space Agency (ESA), the Europlanet Society, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the University of Amsterdam amongst other industries — Banking, Insurance, Enery, Health —conducting Research and synthesizing different types of data.I'm interested in connecting deeply with people and understanding what they need. As a researcher, I have found that the level and depth of connection between people is what determines the quality of research and the relevance of insights.Working as an independent consultant through my project - Complexytree - I immerse myself in multiple levels of quantitative and qualitative data to understand what my clients need. I plan and create design thinking workshops, lead multiple research activities and develop strategies for innovation.I'm an enthusiast about complexity! Shifting from a linear model of thinking to a holistic lens that embraces paradoxes and tolerates multiple perspectives at the same time is what the world needs right now, and I'm fully in!

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